Achieving Athletes

Leveraging Dr. Jon’s Expertise In Myofascial Techniques, He Ensures That Your Body Receives Customized Care Tailored For Athletic Activities.

moving and grooving

Achieving athletic clarity through the mind & body

  • Relieving blocks through myofascial releases
  • Creates a state of relief
  • Allows free movement
  • Promotes mind muscle connection
  • Removes any restraints due to muscle tension
  • Generates growth within the body
  • Improves performance
  • Improves flexibility
Take me out to the ball game, take me to Rise for some fun… or something like that right?? The active athlete is just as important to us as our pediatric and prenatal patients. When your body is constantly moving and grooving, it needs a proper alignment so your body can continuously allow you to hit all of those home runs! 

Want to know more?

We partner with you along your health journey; moving away from pain and towards getting you back to doing the things you love. 

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