Connected Kids

At Rise Chiropractic, Dr. Chelsie And Dr. Miranda Have Extensive Training In Pediatric Chiropractic Care And Are Able To Assess If Your Child Is Functioning At Their Best.

allowing children to develop optimally

Ensuring their nervous system is aligned and connected

  • More connection
  • Less asthma
  • Improved digestion
  • Less ear infections
  • Behavior improvements
  • Increased sleep
  • Decreased colic & reflux
  • Diminished allergies

When you’re just a little kid, something really special happens! Your brain starts changing and growing in ways that are super important for your whole life. That’s where pediatric chiropractic care comes in–it helps you grow and shine from the very beginning. Guess what? When you’re born, your brain already has around 100 billion neurons! That’s a whole lot of brain power right from the start, and not many new ones are made after that. So, taking good care of your brain and giving it the support it needs is super duper important!

Chiropractic  focuses  on enhancing the body’s innate healing and self-regulating abilities by optimizing the function of the nervous system. At Rise, we specialize in pediatric care, aiming to provide your children with an  excellent  foundation for  a thriving life  and the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.

Want to know more?

We partner with you along your health journey; moving away from pain and towards getting you back to doing the things you love. 

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